Saturday, 21 December 2013


Big IT projects needs a bug tracker ( issue tracker, or defect tracker) Tools.

For reporting BUG  we need a bug tracker Tools for a software development and testing projects. But, about a admin team, database team, network analysis team? They all want some help to track their work documents, fixes, and issues of their applications system, database and network. In the Software Development Life Cycle tracking bug is the most important step and without this step software cannot be complete.But choosing a correct bug tracking system which suits your needs is not a simple deal. But here I am trying to make it easy for you, in this article I am presenting a 10 free and open source Bug Tracking Tools with full list features & where to get this bugtracker tool for a better development process. It is a big time-saver to add & manage bugs is in the Bug Tracking system. Few of the bug tracker are not only tracking the bug but also the managing full software based project & can be used for many other tasks.


Bugzill’s is web-based project management software that is being published as Open source software. Bugzill’s is used to manage software development and help you get a handle on the software development process. Bugzill’s can Successful projects often are the result of successful organization and communication. Bugzill’s is powerful & commanding tool that will allow your team to get organized and communicate effectively. It is allow tracking the bugs & code changes efficiently. This is developed by the Mozilla foundation. This Bug Tracking Tool is used many of top rated organizations like Mozilla, Facebook, NASA, Open Office, RedHat etc. Bugzill’s is written in Perl, and works on various databases including MySQL and Oracle. This is used by various big open source projects to track their bugs. For example, Linux kernel development team, Apache development team, GNOME development team uses Bugzill’s. Red Hat also uses Bugzill’s to track the issues found in Red Hat Distribution system. Benefits of Bugzill’s: Help to increase product quality, get better communication with team members, Using Bugzill’s helps to improve customer satisfaction, Bugzill’s can increase the productivity of software development process. Are you looking for a stable, actively maintained, widely adapted bug tracking system? Look no further. Bugzill’s is for you.


Mantis’s issue tracking system is written in PHP, and works on various databases including MySQL, MS SQL, PostgreSQL. Mantis’s’’s Bug Tracker is a open source web-based Bug Tracking System. It is written in PHP and works with multiple databases like MS SQL, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. Mantis’s has multiple items & dived into multi-level hierarchy as follows:
Projects -> Sub Projects -> Categories -> Bugs
Source code integration,Time tracking, Issue relationship graph,Custom fields and workflow ,Anonymous access
Based on user and Client User access & permission rights user can contribute to each item. Mantis’s is powerful tool integrated with few applications like time tracking, chat, wiki, RSS feeds & many more.


Trac’s is written in Python. Trac’s system is developed by Edgewall Software. It supports multiple platforms like Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, Windows. Apart from issue Trac’sking, it also provides wiki, and integration to subversion. The web interface is very simplistic and easy to use. This also provides project management features including roadmap and milestone Trac’sking. The Trac’s is web based, open source software. Trac’s allows wiki markup as issue descriptions and commit messages, creating links and seamless references between bugs, tasks, changesets, files and wiki pages. Trac’s is the superior version of wiki & use as the issue Trac’sking system for software development projects. A timeline shows all current and past project events in order, making the acquisition of an overview of the project and defect Trac’sking software progress very easy. The roadmap shows the road ahead, listing the upcoming milestones.


Redmine’s is written in Ruby on Rails. Redmine’s is a web based most commonly used project management tool. The Redmine’s is written in Ruby on Rails. Apart from tracking issues, it provides a full project management features. It supports multiple platforms with multiple databases. The feature of Gantt charts and calendar helps to supports the illustration of projects and their deadlines. In this issue tracking system you can create Task & subtask which helps to categorize the issues in the project management.Project management including Gantt chart, Project Wiki , Time Tracking, Authentication.

1 comment:

General Post said...

I always like to read a quality content having accurate information regarding the subject and the same thing I found in this post. Nice work. I appreciate your work. Thanks indeed.

Bug Defect Tracking